The United Monarchy (1030 or 1025 to 931 B.C.E.)
Saul: (Approx. 1025 – 1005 B.C.E.)
David: (Approx. 1005 – 970 B.C.E.
Solomon: (Approx. 970 – 931 B.C.E.)
What were the circumstances that impelled the Israelites to put aside some of their tribal differences and consider the desirability of a monarchical form of government? The major factor in that decision was undoubtedly military necessity. The Israelites suffered significant conquest because they were fragmented. Towards the end of the period of the Judges, in approximately 1050 B.C.E., a major struggle took place, which jeopardized the hold of the Israelites on the land of Canaan.
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